OpenPlant Support Engineering Help

Catalog Loader Setup dialog

In the setup dialog you select the catalog datasource and the table from which the catalog will be build from. In OpenPlant Support Engineering, the refSuppGeometry table is the default for building catalogs and must be selected.

Once you have selected the Source Data, Sheet Name if applicable and the table, you can click OK. The remaining options are set as needed.

Select Source Data Click the Browse button next to this field to select the source data file to use for the catalog. The data file should be in either a Excel (xls,xlsx) or comma delimited (cvs) format.
Sheet Names When selecting a XLS file, the sheet names are available from the drop down list to select from.
Tables Select the refSuppGeometry table from the list. This is the default catalog table from which the catalog will be build from.
Use Storage Defaults When enabled, the stored settings and values from any previous sessions are used.
Addition Expression This allows for adding an addition expression, which is used when there are alternating unit rows: Metric, Imperial, Metric, Imperial...
Data Includes Header Row When enabled, the first row is the header. The header contains column names and will be excluded from the data processed.
Expression Preview This list shows the column expression from any previous sessions.